There are constant browser wars across various social media platforms and forums, with users expressing support for a particular browser while criticizing others. Although this is not new to browsers, our Review on Brave browser would help you know the pros and cons of this browser.

What Is Brave Browser?

Review on Brave browser

The Brave browser is an open-source internet search engine that is based on Chromium – a free, open-source web browser that was developed and maintained by Google. Launched in 2016 by Javascript creator and co-founder of Mozilla Brendan Eich and Brian Bondy, this browser was developed to create a faster, more private version of Google Chrome.

Reason For Review On Brave Browser

The latest browser usage stats show that Google Chrome is the leading web browser, but this may not have been of much surprise, considering how its parent company, Alphabet Inc., has been helpful to people, both online and offline.

However, the question of why Brave browser review might be raised, as it has a relatively low market share and dominance compared to Google Chrome and Safari. The answers lie in the target users of Brave, as well as its core values.

It is noteworthy that the final release of Brave browser by the end of 2019 saw its user base growing to 10 million – which has now increased to over 65 million monthly users as of November 2023. Brave can be believed to garner optimism from industry players, especially as it is being used and considered by many developers and security-conscious tech users.

The potential of Brave browser for more innovation in the tech space also makes it one of the best Web3 projects to look out for. Therefore, there is a need to know more about Brave browser, concerning its pros and cons.

Pros Of Brave Browser

1. Excellent Security

Brave browser has various security features that make it safe to use. In other words, the browser is believed to be potentially as safe as Chrome. These features include:

  • A built-in password manager to create and store safe passwords during browsing.
  • Ability to control cookies and block scripts by the site.
  • Control access to autoplay functionality on a site-by-site basis.
  • Wrapping of private browser windows in functionality from Tor Project to ensure safe and secure browsing.

Moreover, Brave browser is the first to offer native support for InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) links to boost security and access to the decentralized web.

2. Privacy

Brave browser takes a different approach to privacy as other browsers may collect and sell their users’ data to third parties. It has built-in ad-blockers and tracker blockers that prevent websites from tracking user behaviour and collecting personal information.

In addition, the browser uses HTTPS Everywhere, ensuring encryption and security for every website its users visit. These corroborate the stance of Brave browser, which states that they are “not in the personal data business.”

3. High Speed And Performance

This browser is considerably fast as Google Chrome, the same project that Chromium powers. But, there are some modifications to Brave browser’s code to make it quicker and more efficient. For instance, the browser’s ad-blocking feature reduces page load times, as it can also optimize website code to speed up the browsing experience for its users.

4. Rewards For Viewing Ads

There is a Brave Rewards program that allows the browser’s users to earn cryptocurrency from viewing ads. It is often in the native token of Brave, BAT (Basic Attention Token). This is a new ad model that is available on desktop or mobile.

The BAT token can be converted to cash or gift cards like Apple gift cards, Amazon gift cards, or eBay gift cards, which you can redeem at their respective stores.

Cons Of Brave Browser

1. Unfair To Content Creators

Content creators and publishers often earn from online advertisements. However, they will be unable to earn from users who browse their websites with Brave – due to its ad-blocker. This reduces the revenue generation of these individuals or business entities.

2. Limited Support Extension

Brave browser does not support many extensions, plugs-in, and add-ons as we have in Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. It only supports Chrome extensions, which are installed from the Chrome Web Store.

3. Ethical Issues

There are complaints about the ethical issue of Brave browser as it relates to ad-blocking. Some individuals claim that it is unfair for users to receive the benefits of ad-blocking while also viewing ad-supported material.

4. Poor Translation Detection

Many Brave users complain about their inability to translate the browser from English, which prompts them to juggle between browsers to use Brave effectively.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Brave Browser 100% Safe?

No browser is 100% safe, but Brave is one of the safest options. It blocks intrusive ads and trackers while protecting its users from malicious websites.

What Does Reddit Think About Brave Browser?

Many Reddit users praise Brave for its robust security and privacy features. It is considered a better alternative to mainstream browsers like Safari and Firefox.

Is It Worth Switching To Brave Browser?

You may consider Brave if you want to use Chrome partly but don’t want Google. Outside of this, you may need to make a personal decision by considering the pros and cons.


Brave browser is making its way to the fore of the browsing landscape as it has gotten a staggering number of users since its launch. But as you understand the pros and cons of using this browser, it is important to research more about it before starting to use it.