Are you an iPhone user looking for the best Bitcoin mining apps for iPhone? You should read this piece, then.

Bitcoin mining is one of the sure ways to make money online. Mobile cryptocurrency mining is fast becoming popular for beginners. The heavy resources needed to start Bitcoin mining, like computational power, made it difficult for just anyone to venture into Bitcoin mining. However, with the advancement in mobile technology, some mobile phones are now strong enough to handle minor mining tasks. They’re also a way to manage rewards and monitor mining activities on the go.

In today’s blog, we will list the top 10 best Bitcoin mining apps for iPhone.

What is Bitcoin Mining?

Bitcoin mining is the process of completing and verifying the transactions on the Bitcoin network for a reward in Bitcoin. In more technical terms, it involves solving complex mathematical solutions by guessing a string of numbers that serves as the encryption to a block. Bitcoin transactions are entered into blocks and verified once a block is full. This verification involves using a string of numbers called a Hash. Bitcoin miners keep generating strings of numbers until they guess the correct one that verifies and closes the block while opening a new one.

Role of Bitcoin Miners

Let’s not overlook the importance of Bitcoin miners on the Bitcoin network. From what we understand, there wouldn’t be bitcoin without them. These individuals or groups ensure that new Bitcoin gets into circulation. They also ensure that Bitcoin transactions are verified and no one spends their Bitcoin twice. They confirm and complete transactions in a block. In essence, miners keep the network going.

Challenges and Rewards of Bitcoin Mining

Some of the challenges of Bitcoin mining are

  1. It requires high capital to get the hardware.
  2. Energy consumption is very high.
  3. It’s not friendly to the environment.
  4. Bitcoin rewards keep decreasing.
  5. There are security concerns.

The rewards of mining Bitcoin are transaction fees and newly minted Bitcoin (also called a Block reward) as payment for work done. Currently, the Block reward is 6.25 Bitcoins.

Importance of Bitcoin Mining Apps

Bitcoin mining is a process that requires lots of resources, one of them being a strong computer. But one can’t keep waiting to get a strong computer before they begin mining Bitcoin. The introduction of apps has created an opportunity for anyone with a good phone to mine Bitcoin. Those who do mobile mining use applications. So, we can boldly assert that these apps are essential.

Bitcoin mining apps remove the burden of staying in one spot to mine or moving around with many gadgets. It also reduces the capital required to get into mining.

10 Best Bitcoin Mining Apps for iPhone

  • Bitdeer
  • ECOS
  • Rave OS
  • NiceHash
  • Crypto tab
  • Hive OS
  • ShaMining
  • CoinMining Farm
  • F2Hash
  • Robomine

1. Bitdeer

Bitdeer is a cloud mining app that aims to help people transition smoothly into crypto/Bitcoin mining. It was founded by Jihan Wu in Singapore. The app eliminates the need for heavy electrical energy and other computational resources. It also offers 24/7 support. Bitdeer gives you access to over 10 mineable coins, including Bitcoin, and sends direct payouts to your digital wallet. Download Bitdeer on App Store


This is the first fintech company with the backing of the American government to be a mining farm. ECOS is an investment company that does cloud mining. With its own data centre in Armenia, it allows users to earn money from cloud mining by buying hash rates.

The minimum mining contract goes for $150. There’s provision for a detailed history of your transactions, and you receive payments daily. Access to this app costs $50. Download ECOS on App Store.

3. Rave OS

Rave OS is an app that allows miners to monitor their rigs with less power consumption and downtime. With this app, you can check your power consumption, control and increase hash rates, and check for errors. It’s a very simple operating system that lets you keep tabs on your rig for free. You can download Rave OS on the App Store.

4. NiceHash

This is another cloud-mining app that lets its users pay for hash power to earn from mining. With NiceHash, miners can connect their GPU/CPU to mine Bitcoin. The new iOS features include a Solo mining feature with packages you can buy to mine a Bitcoin block. The app is available on the App Store for download.

5. Crypto Tab

Crypto Tab is a browser with a dedicated mining feature. It’s compatible with iOS devices like iPhones and can be used to mine Bitcoin. This process is automated. It is said to mine Bitcoin automatically while you perform regular tasks on the browser, like surfing the internet, watching movies on Netflix and chatting on social media. All you need to do is to turn on the mining feature. The app is free to use and is available for download on Apple App Store.

6. Hive OS

Hive OS allows you to set up and oversee the mining processes across thousands of mining rigs. When you download the app, it automatically detects the rigs and displays their information on your dashboard for easier management. With Hive OS, you can keep tabs on all your mining efforts across various pools with just one click. You can download Hive OS on the App Store.

7. ShaMining

Shamining is another cloud mining platform that allows users to buy into mining contracts starting at $250. Experts in IT designed this app’s technology, and it is effective in performing basic computing tasks without the otherwise necessary hardware. With Shamining, you get payouts daily and can view statistics on your device.

8. CoinMining Farm

Yet another cloud mining app, Coinmining Farm, is a top-rated platform that boasts of being the most eco-friendly amongst others. Its features include high security, stability in price with liquidity pools, quick withdrawals and daily payouts. You can sign up for free on the website and get started immediately.

9. F2Hash

F2Hash operates a cloud mining system, allowing users to participate in Bitcoin mining without buying the hardware. This app offers mining contracts from $30 to $30,000. Users receive daily payouts between $0.40 to $500. The starting price is $30, although there’s a free trial. You can download the F2Hash Bitcoin mining app to your iPhone on the App Store.

10. Robomine

Robomine is a digital wallet and a mobile mining platform that uses AI to fast-track the mining process. This app lets its users mine crypto like Bitcoin without needing additional hardware. The user-friendly user interface makes it easy to use and provides live progress reports on mining activities. However, the rewards are minimal due to the lack of substantial and strong mining hardware.

Considerations Before Choosing a Bitcoin Mining App

  1. Research

It’s vital that you properly research an app before you decide to use it. Apart from the obvious fact that many fraudulent platforms seek to rip users off their coins, you should know how an app works and how you receive your reward.

  1. Risks and potential challenges

Also, consider the risks of using your phone for mining activities, such as draining your phone’s battery life. Most times, your phone will heat up to an unhealthy temperature. These two factors will shorten the life of the device.

  1. Collaborate for higher rewards.

It’s advisable that you join mining pools to earn more. The collective resources like computers and other hardware yield better opportunities to mine more coins successfully. When the dividends are distributed, you’ll make much more than you can if you mine on your own with your mobile device.


Bitcoin mining apps have created a way for intending and active miners to mine Bitcoin while monitoring their rigs and managing their rewards. In this article, we’ve listed the top 10 Bitcoin mining apps for iPhone for you and anyone interested in learning how to make money through Bitcoin mining.

Take your time to explore these apps and do your own research on anyone you intend to use. Remember to check reviews and ratings before engaging with any app.