Since the development of cryptocurrencies, the tourism industry has begun to accept digital currencies. The COVID-19 epidemic banned all forms of travel and tourism in 2017 as crypto tourism began to take off.

Since the resumption of international travel, the travel industry has become more open to new ideas and approaches for improving efficiency. According to others, the industry’s recovery could be helped by the acceptance of digital currencies.

Additionally, many individuals are open to the idea of traveling with the help of a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.

What Is Crypto Tourism?

Investors are alarmed by the rapid growth of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries despite market volatility. The number of people using crypto exchanges like Redot has risen significantly in the last few years. As a result, travelers began to be more open to using bitcoins to pay for their trips after normalcy had returned.

During the early stages of crypto tourism, several travel businesses began to offer trips specifically for Bitcoin and blockchain enthusiasts. Those who own cryptocurrency can take advantage of pricey travel programs, such as cruises.

It is a form of travel service specifically for Bitcoin enthusiasts, known as “crypto tourism.” When it comes to scheduling booked trips that may be paid for in bitcoins or involve bitcoin lectures or training, it’s common.

A key focus of crypto tourism is on the crypto-wealthy and well-known. In contrast, if you’re a cryptocurrency enthusiast, you may go on a crypto cruise and use cryptocurrency to pay for your trip. Digital currencies like Bitcoin (BTC) can be used to pay for things like hotel rooms, food, and plane tickets on the majority of vacations.

These crypto tours and cruises aren’t just for fun; they also feature cryptocurrency-related events like conferences, exhibitions, and panel discussions.

Applications Of Blockchain Technology In The Tourism Industry

Listed below are some of the most promising blockchain applications in the hospitality and travel industries.

1. Luggage Tracking

Blockchain technology can be extremely helpful when it comes to tracking the movements of luggage, especially when it comes to international travel. A customer’s luggage is frequently passed from one person to another during their trip. Decentralized databases make it much easier to share monitoring data among companies.

2. Secure And Traceable Payments

In the hospitality, tourist, and travel industries, blockchain payments are likely the most critical use case. It may serve as a worldwide ledger, make bank payments simpler and safer, or allow travel agencies to accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as payment options. These are just a few possible applications.

3. Services For Identification

In the travel business, identity services are critical and blockchain has the potential to become the industry-standard method of storing this data. It is possible to significantly reduce check-in times or queues at airports when fingerprint or retina scans are utilized instead of presenting documentation.

4. Loyalty Programs For Customers

Many travel companies offer customer loyalty programs to keep customers coming back for more. Tokens can be issued for these programs, making the process easier for customers to access and providing them with additional information about their loyalty points. Fraud in this industry can also benefit from this technology.

Who Uses Crypto Tourism?

The crypto-rich and famous are the intended audience for these tours, as earlier stated. Cryptocurrency tours and vacations are becoming increasingly popular among the general public who are curious about the technology.

Some crypto tours have been organized for specific purposes, like promoting an ICO (ICO). Promoters, industry experts, and the like will give talks at conferences and seminars on the market. As a result, platforms wishing to host events like initial coin offerings make use of crypto tourism (ICOs).

Americans are preparing to continue using digital currency as more countries open their borders to travelers.
In the second half of 2021, 22% of American consumers want to pay for travel expenses with cryptocurrency, according to a study by USA TODAY.

Benefits Of Crypto Tourism

Crypto tourism has a small number of players at the moment, but as blockchain creates waves in the travel industry, there is a chance that it may arise in the future, bringing a variety of benefits with it.

1. Bitcoin trends and investments can be learned from this event.

2. Fans can meet industry pros and specialists they’ve always wanted to meet at this convention.

3. To begin with, it gives travelers a new way to pay for their travel expenses.

A Narrative Of Crypto Tourism

The COVID-19 epidemic hurt crypto tourism and other forms of tourism. New trips, like the Coinsbank cruise in 2019, may become accessible when the sector improves.

Some of the biggest names in the industry were on board, including proponents of Bitcoin Cash like Roger Ver and Bitcoin backer Jimmy Song. The Oasis of the Seas embarked on a Mediterranean overstock voyage from Barcelona to Rome.

The 2017 Coinsbank blockchain cruise, which included participants from 19 nations, was both entertaining and enlightening. Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology topics were discussed on the overstock cruise. In addition to Ledger,, Storifier, and Unocoin, several industry heavyweights spoke at the conference.

Despite the recent market volatility that has caused investor concern, the blockchain and cryptocurrency industries continue to prosper. More and more individuals are switching to digital currencies like Redot and trading them on exchanges like these. Travelers are becoming more interested in using cryptocurrencies for their trips as normalcy returns.

Before the COVID-19 outbreak, there was a slew of crypto tourism-related events and products.

On cryptocurrency cruises, consumers can meet other crypto enthusiasts and learn about new services. Programs like this one help to build crypto-community networks and offer investment opportunities.

Participants’ ability to make sound financial decisions is improved. It is becoming more common for countries to open their borders and allow tourists to restart in full force, paving the way for greater acceptance and use of cryptocurrencies in the future.


Blockchain technology is already having a headway in the world of tourism, through the adoption of cryptocurrency to make digital tokens readily accessible while they maintain their feature as decentralized assets. However, it is important to take into cognizance the supported cryptocurrencies and crypto exchanges available in a preferred country of destination before making your plans.