It is no doubt that investment is one of the viable ways of becoming rich while accentuating a future of fortunes. Although there are numerous investment outlooks, from real estate to cryptocurrency and other commodities, investing in cryptocurrency appears to be more lucrative. This can be owed to the decentralized nature of cryptos which makes them devoid of the culminating effects of changes in government policy.

Today, everyone is scrambling for investments with huge prospects and at the same time, safe to delve into. Due to its reliability, people seem to defer by making a preference for investment over savings. So, opting for cryptocurrency and the stock market always appear to be the most sought-after financial tool of wealth.

In the world of cryptocurrency, both half pants, and full pants investors can be found in the space. Some of the crypto-related terminologies that seem ambiguous to the understanding of many people are hot wallet and cold wallet.

In a simple scope, the meaning of crypto wallet can be in a way similar to the traditional wallets because they are used to keep your cash, just as the former is used to keep cryptocurrencies.

In this article, we will be having a walk of the difference between a hot wallet and a cold wallet.

What Is Hot Wallet?

A hot wallet, in cryptocurrency, is a wallet with a significant connection to the internet. As visible as a hot wallet is in the crypto network, it is useful in transferring, receiving, and management of tokens. Also, it can be used to transfer cryptocurrencies.

Often, hot wallets in cryptocurrencies do have a linkage with both public and private keys which functions to enable secure transactions and further enhance security measures. Due to its large visibility to the digital space (internet), a hot wallet is prone to more risks than a cold wallet. In simpler words, a hot wallet can be described as the interface for keeping cryptocurrency and accessing.

However, a hot wallet chiefly works to facilitate changes made to the transaction record that is being kept on the blockchain lender, which is highly decentralized.

The Working Of A Hot Wallet

The primary purpose of wallets in cryptocurrency is to hold crypto while enabling transactions. So if you want to buy or mine a coin, you must set up a wallet first. In the wallet is stored your private keys and coins.

Upon the transfer of ownership by the blockchain system, these keys can easily be accessed. A private key is often provided to a wallet owner once cryptocurrency has been owned. So both public keys and private keys enable you to easily identify your wallet, perhaps, public keys are in a similarity to the account username.

With these keys, tokens can be received by divulging your identity to the crypto network. It is your identification number, hence helping to access and manage your wallet while also checking account balances and effect transactions. It should be noted that the strength of the wallet is a function of the value of keys.

Examples Of Hot Wallet

There are different hot wallets found on the crypto network. Although many of these wallets can be downloaded, others are for premium purposes, designed for a particular web or mobile application. Moreover, some wallets are intentionally designed to support a particular cryptocurrency or crypto network.

Typical examples of hot wallets include Coinbase Wallet, MetaMask, and Edge Wallet. Let’s take a brief look into these three hot wallets.

1. Coinbase Wallet

Coinbase wallet is exclusively designed to initiate crypto exchanges.

2. MetaMask

MetaMask works to especially support the Ethereum blockchain system.

3. Edge Wallet

Edge wallet can operate on different transactions towards any crypto network. But it is imperative to choose your preferred service before going further to download a wallet. Making in-depth research would be helpful when making a preference for free available wallets.

What Is Cold Wallet?

Also referred to as cold storage, a cold wallet is a type of offline wallet being used to hold and store cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin. The distinguishing feature of a cold wallet is its disconnection from the network.
It can be inferred that the inability of a cold wallet to be connected to the internet makes it less vulnerable to risks like cyber hacks and unauthorized access, compared to a hot wallet.

A hot wallet could have around a quite number of, as it is digital, but cold wallets have been able to find their way to the fore of crypto storage. This can be hinged on its existence as an offline mode of crypto token storage. To this end, many crypto investors are enthusiastic about ensuring their transactions are safe and reliable with cold wallets.

The Working Of A Cold Wallet

Since traditional banks try to recover and refund stolen funds of their customers, the narrative is very different in cryptocurrency. In the event of your crypto wallet being compromised or your coins being stolen, it is almost impossible to recover it.

This eventuality is because is on the heels of the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, which makes its activities or operations devoid of centralized mediation or government regulations. However, a hot wallet used to store coins and tokens are vulnerable to market-related risks, due to their digital presence. But here is a cold wallet that is considered a safe and secure storage system for different cryptocurrencies.

As earlier said, a Bitcoin wallet, for instance, is usually linked with both private and public keys. The public key simply acts as the username, while helping the network to decide on the destination of the coin being transferred. Public keys must be shared between the buyer on the crypto blockchain and the seller before a validated transaction can be achieved.

On the other hand, the private key is the combination of alphanumeric characters which is characterized by its uniqueness for every user. These keys must be accessed before the transfer of cryptocurrencies can be initiated.

Therefore, it is crucial to keep private keys private and secure, because when it is accessed by an unauthorized party, your wallet is unlocked and which leads to the loss of your coin. In the case of cold wallets, safety issues can be easily resolved by signing the transaction with the private keys while in an offline mode.

Cold wallets can be simply kept in devices like offline computers, USBs, or CDs. This is done offline, such that your private keys do not come to the online space, which can put it at risk. Thus, cold wallets are safe and secure to use than hot wallets.


The storage of cryptocurrency is a function of both hot wallets and cold wallets. Crypto users must understand these two kinds of wallets before making a good decision for their holding and storage. But it is better to keep your funds in a cold wallet if you have so much in your wallet.